Your Choices – Your Future

Your Choices – Your Future

Aug 03

Only you have the power to change your life. We have all heard this before but lets take a look at making positive changes in our life during the challenging times we are now living in.

You have the power to change your life circumstances, your perceptions of the world and your thoughts. You also have the power to hold new ideas, new positive affirming thoughts and beliefs about yourself, the world and what you can be – Right here, right now. It is good to remember this especially during those times in our life when we feel stuck or confronting an obstacle that is seemingly in the way of our progress. Sometimes these perceived obstacles come in the form of words from people in our life who are not supportive of the path we are  taking to reach our higher levels of success. In managing this we  have personal power. We can know that the words a person uses when they talk to us, the tone in their voice, their facial expressions only effect us when we give them meaning. This is a big personal power point to remember:

‘You Empower The Thoughts That Go Through Your Mind To Give Them Meaning”.

If you do not give them any meaning or give them any emotional power, the interaction has no power over you. If you are pursuing your goals with unwavering intention and expectation do not let other people rain their doubt and critisisism on your parade by absorbing what they say – Let it pass you by and stay focused.

I am reminded here about what Elenor Roosevelt once said:

‘No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent’.

So many times we are tempted to just shrink in those times but we all know that nothing good for us comes from shrinking, so that other people will accept us or not feel insecure around us when we are putting a lot of time and effort into turning our Ideal Life vision into a reality.

In the times we are living in it is important to keep our goals in focus. Norman Vincent Peal once said:

‘What May Seem Impossible One Minute, Through Faith, Is Possible’.

Wow, muse on that a while! A good way to use this as a tool is to think back to a time when you didn’t think something was possible, that you now know is, or a time when you really needed or wanted something but thought there was no way you could have it, and then a way seemingly showed up out of nowhere and you got it.

‘You Have To Believe It Can Happen To Make It Happen’

Claim now your independence and in all circumstances chose to think and feel happy, enthusiastic and expecting only the highest good for yourself and everyone around you. Only you have the power to do this and create the life you want to live. Surround yourself with happy, enthusiastic people. Don’t you enjoy listening to and learning from people who are life affirming and see the world in greatness and positive possibilities? People who can help you be better in all the ways you want to be? You have the power to be that ideal person, right now from this moment forward!!!

Here is a gift to start your new life journey.


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