Achieve Your Dreams With These Seven Steps To Success

Achieve Your Dreams With These Seven Steps To Success

Sep 07
Achieve Your Dreams With These Seven Steps To Success

If you follow this seven step guide to success you will open more doors for yourself than you ever thought was possible.

Achieve Success

Success is not just for a privilege few. You can be successful in your life if you act on these seven success principles. Successful people have specific personality traits and you can adopt these traits as well. Successful people talk, act, and think in very specific ways. They can be summarized into the following seven success principles:

Principle # 1 – Have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

This is where you start on the road to success. Decide what you want to achieve in life and have that clearly fixed in your mind at all times.

Principle #2 – Have defined and solid goals.

Your vision as outline in the first principle is your ultimate destination. The goal sets the path you follow, in order to arrive at this ultimate destination. As an example, if your vision is to become a doctor then after you complete your secondary education, your next step on the path you follow would be to enroll in a course at a junior college that on completion will qualify you to pursue a course in medicine at a university. These are the short term defined goals which determines the path you follow so that you arrive at your ultimate destination. Short term goals need to be measurable, attainable, timely, specific, and realistic. These are the steps you have to take to reach completion of your vision.

Principle # 3 – Plan your work and work your plan.

Work out an action plan to achieve your short and long term goals. Break down your task into smaller pieces, particularly if the task is large. It is okay to have detours or spend more time than you planned to achieve each of your goals as long as you ultimately achieve each goal. For example you may have to repeat part of your studies. Always have your vision at the front of your mind. When you act with faith, determination, persistence and in alignment with your goals there is only one outcome – success in achieving your vision.

Principle # 4 – Take Action.

Decide that you will act now to move closer to your goals and do whatever it takes. Once you take action stay committed and refuse to give up. Once you lose commitment, you will start to lose your belief. If you do that, your effort would just fall off like a deck of cards. You will have wasted all the effort you put in. So stay committed.

Never ever give quit until you have achieved what you desire. Persistence and faith in your dreams are keys to your success. Every time you have a failure or hit an obstacle, treat it as a learning experience.

Principle #5 – Positive affirmations

Repeat to yourself positive affirmations that support your goal. Do that several times a day, especially just before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. This will help you to keep your faith and persistence!

Principle # 6 – Surround yourself with positive influences.

Surround yourself with positive influences such as positive people, books, articles, etc. as this will help you believe in your own success.

Principle # 7 – Be grateful for what you have.

Know that your goals will become a reality. Always appreciate what you have. Help the needy and show generosity to people.

Act on these seven principles of success with faith, persistence and determination and you will soon be one of the successful people.


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