You Have The Power To Rewrite Your Reality

You Have The Power To Rewrite Your Reality

Nov 03

Thoughts have the power to affect each one and the life that one lives. One’s thoughts are very vital tools in creating and shaping the reality that one experiences. Thoughts are responsible for the creation of one’s emotional state, affecting the body, health and one’s daily living in general, influencing one’s responses to relationships and to life and  determine one’s...

Overcome Fear With Positive Thinking & Self Talk

Overcome Fear With Positive Thinking & Self Talk

Nov 01

People are being held back from success usually because of fear of success. When in doubt it brings us down by lowering our confidence and self-esteem. Being afraid of failure to succeed is the most common fear we have. Once you realize what is causing your fear, you can move to techniques of self-talk to change the conditions. Fear affects the mind and body causing us to let ourselves down as...

Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

Oct 07

“Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts” (Proverbs 4:23 GN). Long before psychology came around, God said “Your thoughts determine your feelings and your feelings determine your actions”. If you want to change your life, you’ve got to control the way you think. Talk to any leader, successful person or motivational speaker and they will teach you...

Thriving on Chaos

Thriving on Chaos

Sep 25

Things change unpredictably in everyone’s world. There is no pattern to many of the changes in our world. Forecasting and long-range planning are high-risk activities. Today we cannot guarantee more of the same of anything. About the only prediction we can safely assume is that things will always change!   In this “Age of Unreason,” to use Charles Handy’s term, we must learn to...

Success Is Living Your Values

Success Is Living Your Values

Sep 19

“We should choose to follow what is right. But first of all we must define among ourselves what is good” (Job 34:4 LB). Everything you do is influenced by your values. Your actions in life are largely determined by the values you hold. Every time you make a decision, you’re relying on your values to tell you what to do. Unfortunately, some of the values you operate by are counterproductive...